peavey vypyr 75 tone settings

Peavey Forums • View topic - Vypyr 30 vs. Vypyr 75.
Peavey Forums • View topic - Peavey Vypyr 75: How to get plain old.

Peavey Forums • View topic - Let's Share Some Vypyr Settings.
Peavey Forums • View topic - Just got a Vypyr 75 and have some.
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peavey vypyr 75 tone settings
Peavey Forums • View topic - Clean settings on Vypyr 75.
I returned it yesterday and plugged it in next to a 75, and even with all my tweaked settings on the 30, the 75 has better tone across the board.
peavey vypyr 75 tone settings
Peavey Forums • View topic - How to get a good Distortion sound.
When using the clean amp settings on the Vypyr 75 as the twin. The 75 is pretty darn loud, and the cleans tones have lots of headroom.
Peavey Forums • View topic - Peavey Vypyr 75 = Clean sound?
When using the clean amp settings on the Vypyr 75 as the twin. The 75 is pretty darn loud, and the cleans tones have lots of headroom.
(They even incorperate the global EQ settings.. I've had my Vypyr 75 since December 2010 and it's still working just fine (knock on wood :wink.
I returned it yesterday and plugged it in next to a 75, and even with all my tweaked settings on the 30, the 75 has better tone across the board.