interlockedexchange64 not found

ltogniolli / XanaNews / source / components / thirdparty / Indy10.
cmpldi r4,0 mtctr r4 subi r9,r3,1 subi r0,r3,1 { assume not found } li r3,-1 { if yes, ... LInterLockedIncLoop mr r3,r10 end; function InterLockedExchange64(var.
{ output: r3 = position of b in buf (-1 if not found) }. { assume not found } ... function InterLockedExchange64(var Target: Int64; Source : Int64) : Int64; assembler;.
3, 8. assembly load error (InterlockedExchange64 issue) ( Multi-page thread 1 2). mikanuhrxz. Assembly or dependency not found using Remoting. lucv&r.
Windows Vista Drivers [Archive] - Page 15 - Windows Vista Tips.
/*++ BUILD Version: 0109 // Increment this if a change has global.
Sep 30, 2008. Many do not need to happen and most of them are badly organised. .. To operate on a 64-bit variable, use the InterlockedExchange64 function. ... The reporter found Zunyi television news program on the evening of.
If there is not a DPC active on the target processor and a DPC interrupt // has ... #define RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED 0x00000004 // Fail if no match found .. InterlockedAdd64 _InterlockedAdd64 #define InterlockedExchange64.
. MessageText: // // The specified system semaphore name was not found. .. Addend: LONGLONG): LONGLONG; function InterlockedExchange64(var Target:.
This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2000.
interlockedexchange64 not found
interlockedexchange64 not found
[Subversion-commits] svn commit: r1328097 - in /subversion/trunk.
cmpldi r4,0 mtctr r4 subi r9,r3,1 subi r0,r3,1 { assume not found } li r3,-1 { if yes, ... LInterLockedIncLoop mr r3,r10 end; function InterLockedExchange64(var.
esasse / XanaNews / source / components / thirdparty / Indy10.